Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Begining

I have never been so concerned in my life. Should I have agreed to this? Should I have helped in this decision? I told myself to shut up. He wants to make a better life for our growing family, and who am I to tell him no. I watched him fill out final paperwork, sign his name ( in what looked like blood to me) and it was over. Well that wasn't so bad. Jeez Nicole, could you have been anymore dramatic?

~5 months later~
November 12Th, 2009, to be exact. 5 am. Sgt Guillaume arrives at my doorstep to escort my husband to MEPS. 8 am. I arrive at MEPS with my Father & Father in law, as well as my 6 month old son. He swears away the next 8 years of his life to our country. And just like that, he is on a bus. I feel heartless, because it hasn't hit me yet. It seems like a dream, good or bad, i wasn't sure. 2 days pass....1 week. FINALLY, the phone rings. All he says is he misses us, he is safe, he is fine and he will call in a few weeks, maybe less.
That's it?! I mean I understand you are now officially government property but common, I'm his wife. does that count for nothing?!

~December 17, 2009~
Sky Harbor Airport 4pm. he is coming home. only for 2 weeks and then who knows when I will see him again, but i will cherish these 2 weeks with everything i have. He walked down the arrival gate, i swear i heard the song American Soldier by Toby Keith. I began to let the tears roll. His embrace was powerful, like God put us together and took a deep breathe and sighed as though to say "perfect".


  1. You can do it! I did!! It is a great thing!
    PS I told him not to go remember?? JK!! But seriously the service does do amazing things! Robert got an amazing education & an awesome job. He was paid to go to school & was able to take care of the 3 of us & eventually 4 of us!
